Simulator for Arduino
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Simulator for Arduino v1.11 | 46.8MB DOWNLOAD NOW>> | SetupFree.exe |
(Note: Free version limited to 200 lines and also after 45 days of use or 100 sketches (shown on startup in lower StatusBar) there is a delay timer on loading a sketch ).
Download the latest free version here for a ten minute trial (then 30 day trial with a simple email unlock):
Simulator for Arduino is the most full featured Arduino Simulator available at the present time (watch the latest video below).
The benefits and features of the Arduino Simulator are:
- The ability to teach and demonstrate the inner workings of an Arduino sketch
- Test out a sketch without the hardware, or prior to purchasing hardware
- Debug a sketch
- Demonstrate a project to a potential customer
- Develop a complicated sketch faster than using the hardware
Download the free version below with a short delay timer on loading a sketch, and when ready upgrade to the Pro Version. Simulator for Arduino Pro Version is currently used in many countries over six continents. The download consists of a zip file containing a setup.exe file which installs an exe file, help files, images and examples. It is designed for the Arduino Uno, Mega and most other common Arduino boards and does the following:
- Steps through the program line by line. If a new line is selected, the program will continue from that point.
- Performs digitalWrite, digitalRead and PinMode for pins 0-53
- analogRead for pins 0-16 and analogWrite for digital pins 0-53
- Emulates Serial, LCD output, Ethernet, Servo, SD card, EEPROM, SoftSerial,SPI, Wire
- If,while,for,switch, do whileloop functionality
- Subroutines (multi-level) with arguments
- View variables in real-time
- Step Into, Step Over, Step Out of or Run mode
- Ability to edit sketch or open in Arduino IDE
- Tabs for separate files in the sketch
- Context-sensitive help
- 2 and 4 line LCD support only with improvised CGRAM
- 2 dimensional arrays (without initialisation)
- BreakPoint now with a conditional option
- load custom libraries automatically after setting the Library Directory
- Change the font, size and style of the Simulator
- Advanced watch for easy variable viewing
- Minimize mode for demo/training
- Limited support for custom libraries
- Limited support for pointer and structures
- Pointers not implemented - some sketches with pointers may run but generally pointers don't work
- Custom Libraries, structures,classes and enums may or may not work
- Other minor issues to do with complicated C++ commands
- Firmata needs work
- Mouse object will run but not yet implemented
- typdef function pointers not implemented
- MAC,iOS interface not implemented
- simple typdefs work but typedef with enum or structs to be implemented
The list price for Simulator for Arduino is planned to be around $50. For the pre-release stage, the Pro version is available at a discount which will be increased gradually as milestones are reached, and a discount renewal is available when the support period page expires. This rewards early adopters.
Watch the training video here:
Other Arduino Simulators include:
- Codeblocks for Arduino NOTE: No updates since June 2014
- Arduino Simulator iPhone App $2.99 + in-app NOTE: No updates since Aug 2015
- Emulino NOTE: No updates since 2009!
- ArduinoSim NOTE: No updates since July 2014
- Simuino NOTE: No updates since May 2014
AVR Simulators
- AVR Studio 7 - Free with email registration
- Proteus - USD $248 to $6592 (yikes)
- Virtual Breadboard USD $29
- Emulare - AVR assembler simulator NOTE: No updates since May 2012
- SimAVR